
Welcome, you've found a little piece of my soul. I leave a little bit of me in everything I do. Why do something half way when you can make something amazing.

I hope you enjoy your journey here and every moment you spend both here and in my books.

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I don't bite... usually.


"No Way Home" is an adult poetry book available now on Amazon. I hope you enjoy the raw emotion that went into making it.

What do you do when forever means something different to you than it does your partner? What do you do when your heart is broken and no amount of tears fill the hole? Write poetry of course. Poetry that pours out your soul onto the pages for the world to see. When there is so much emotion that you can’t hold it all sometimes the only way to survive is to share it.

If you are only going to read one author this  year..

Then I urge you to read everything written by Hugh Heart. The work he writes is raw, from the heart and so emotionally deep you better have a life jacket! I can 100% recommend it.

- Jack Croft, New York Rhymes

Absolutely stunning...

Hugh Heart is one of the best poets of our lifetime. He is able to capture our complex lives in a way that leaves me grasping for more.

- Anna Torres, Delaware Reviews