No Way Home Web PNG

No Way Home

the poems and illustrations of
Hugh Heart

What do you do when forever means something different to you than it does your partner?

What do you do when your heart is broken and no amount of tears fill the hole?

Write poetry of course!

Poetry that pours out your soul onto the pages for the world to see. When there is so much emotion that you can’t hold it all in sometimes the only way to survive is to share it.

No Way Home Web PNG
Heart in Hand2-Drawing


What do I have to do
To keep you from leaving this day
What do I have to do
To keep you from running away
I want you to know that if your leaving
You’re taking a piece of me to
And that if I can't get you back
That it will cut me through and through
You've left a gaping hole
Where my heart used to be
An emptiness felt in every part
Deep inside of me
A body burnt and blistered
Would be less pain for me to pay
For the pain that eats me up inside
Consumes me in every way
Why'd you have to make me love you
If you were going to run away
Why'd you have to make me love you
If you were going to leave this day


Each second like a grain of sand
Ticking, slipping through my hand
Every minute like a pebble
From my life that does dribble
Every hour like a rock
Leaving my body and the clock
Every day like a boulder
Slipping from upon my shoulder
Each year like a granite tomb
Lost from inception from the womb
My life a mountain lost piece by piece
Until one day I finally cease



  1. Ted C. on August 17, 2018 at 4:51 am

    I had a chance to read this work before the publish date as reviewer. This work is amazing. It is like a Caffè Verona, or a Deep Espresso dark and intense. It will leave you thinking of what you read throughout your week, and not only sympathize for the man that loved and lost, but find yourself on days walking in his shoes. This book will remain on my shelves to feel the lighter touch of true love and dark reality of its loss.

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